You do this too often. Which beauty treatments leave your skin thirsty?

I guess, most of you aren’t aware which home beauty treatments or those that you expose yourself to at a beautician’s may deprive your skin of water. Don’t worry because there are a few proven methods (including post-treatment recommendations that you should follow) that help to ease coming back to the normal beauty regimen and restoring adequate hydration level in skin. How can you tell that a beauty procedure has left your skin thirsty?

How to recognize skin dehydration?

You deal with dehydrated skin when it loses more water than it’s able to lock inside. Dry skin is also the aftermath of hydro-lipid barrier damage due to soap, scrub or mattifying face toners use. As it’s easy to guess, such state isn’t favorable – after all, water makes one of the most important building blocks of dermis (it constitutes 70% of skin; the remaining building blocks are proteins, lipids and other emollients).

However, there are some situations when we are the ones (in most cases) who cause damage to epidermis (causing dehydration) while getting rid of dead epidermal cells or removing post-acne marks (discolorations). Additionally, factors that may lead to skin dehydration are some beauty treatments like: chemical peels (with acids), retinol, needle mesotherapy, herbal peels.

Chemical peels

Due to breaking cell junctions, acids can penetrate skin on a deeper layer. During the very phase, water evaporates through the skin; in other words, there is no superficial epidermal layer to prevent this water loss. On one hand, with chemical peel you supply skin with a truly beneficial substances that are needed but, on the other hand, you let moisture flee.

Once the chemical peel procedure is over, skin feels tight and shines. Also, you can notice intensified seborrhea for more or less a week. However, if you follow the beautician’s recommendations and take care of your skin correctly, then you can expect your face to stop shining, become soft and highlighted pretty soon. If you can’t notice the improvement which I have just described, then probably the chemical peel you had was performed inadequately.


Retinols are molecules that easily penetrate skin. A beauty treatment with this substance may lead to irritations and intensive dehydration. This adverse effect is created when you keep exposing your skin to this treatment too frequently. If you want to avoid the bad consequence, make your skin ready for retinol.

Needle mesotherapy

This procedure makes your skin feel tight and rough. Needle mesotherapy is carried out with a special tool, which is called a pen, featuring thin needles. In short, this procedure requires skin pricking, and the number and depth of prickles vary accordingly to skin needs. Actually, needle mesotherapy entitles epidermal damages and inflammations. Additionally, blood vessels become more reactive, so do some substances – and this leads to temporary worsening of skin condition. Skin dehydration follows.

Herbal peels

Well, this treatment is a truly aggressive form of skin exfoliation mainly destined for thick and heavily contaminated skin. Herbal peels display very irritating properties that cause damage to hydro-lipid barrier of skin and encourage deep skin exfoliation. Herbs that are used for the procedure contain minerals and vitamins required for strong stimulation and regeneration of acne-prone skin. Right after the treatment, skin appears to be dry, rough, sensitive to stimulus, and this state won’t change sooner than after 4 or 5 weeks.