How to care for the skin during menopause?


With age, our skin changes significantly. Numerous factors have its say on it and one of them is menopause. How to take care of the skin during this time? What happens to the skin during menopause? Read my post and you’ll learn all about it.

Menopause’s impact on the skin

Menopause is associated with mood swings, hot flushes, paroxysmal flushing, sleep disorder. It’s beginning is believed to be the moment when ovaries activity stops and estrogen decrease is observed while the testosterone levels go up. It is a time when pores widen, unwanted hair appears on the body and there is an increased risk of rosacea.

How menopause impacts various skin layers?

  1. There are the following changes to the epidermis:
    • keratinocytes lose the ability to divide;
    • epidermis becomes thinner;
    • regeneration and healing processes worsen;
    • epidermis cells do not grind together as close;
    • stratum corneum thickness increases;
    • decreases melanocytes number which causes worse solar protection;
    • hyperpigmentations appear;
    • skin is more sensitive and less hydrated;
    • decreases the sebum secretion;
    • pH becomes more acidic.
  2. The dermis-epidermis connections line flattens which leads to worse keratinocytes grind to the said line.
  3. In the dermis following changes take place in regard to menopause:
    • collagen and elastin level decrease;
    • hyaluronic acid level decreases;
    • more wrinkles appear;
    • blood circulation gets weaker;
    • there are fewer blood vessels.
  4. 4. During the menopause, hypodermis begins to decline, skin becomes loose, metabolism slows down while fat cells activity increases.

How to take care of the skin during menopause?

First, you should use a UV filter cream. It will protect you against photoaging, wrinkles, and hyperpigmentations. At the same time, you should seriously consider limiting the tanning sessions. Second, you should use cosmetics consisting of antioxidants and include in your diet products rich in said substances. Third, moisturize.