Skin vs the sun – How UV radiation impacts your skin?


The sun, summer, vacation – who doesn’t like it. Sadly, we are often left with imperfections hard to get rid of. However, on the other hand, the sun helps with vitamin D production, which has an immense impact on our organism. What is the impact of the sun on the skin’s condition?

Skin vs the sun – the general information

The sun has a great impact on the appearance and condition of the skin. It causes speed up aging and may increase free radicals level in the organism. This translates into dryness, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation, lack of elasticity or even dermatological diseases.

Skin’s conditions may additionally worsen due to other factors. We can enumerate:

  • genes,
  • environmental pollution,
  • lifestyle,
  • drug use,
  • diet poor in vitamins and minerals.

Skin vs the sun – the specific information

Now to get to the specifics. What is the sun’s impact on the skin?

  1.  Speeds up cell division
    At first, it may seem quite normal. However, due to the solar impact cells divide only halfway. That means they are still connected and create greater groups. The result? The face is covered with peeling flakes of skin.
  2. Flaking epidermis clogs pores
    Dead skin cells and sebum, make-up residues and other dirt will gather in skin pores. It all creates blackheads in the T-zone.
  3. UV radiation causes vitamin C oxidation
    When vitamin C level in organism decreases, more free radicals appear. As we all know very well, free radicals result in wrinkles and premature skin aging. There takes place yet another negative process in the skin. Nutrients and oxygen transport are disrupted and that leads to toxins deposit.
  4. The sun damages collagen and elastin
    The results can be observed in the form of wrinkles, hyperpigmentations, loose skin, dryness. Collagen and elastin fibers get weaker and begin to bunch together.
  5. The sun causes hyperpigmentation
    The sun radiation burns skin making it gain brown color. Unfortunately, it is the defensive reaction of your organism. It also happens that in some areas of the face appear darker spots. These are clusters of melanin which in the future can be difficult to remove. To prevent them, use a cream with a high UV filter.